Most significant projects are delivered by contractors engaged by, and working on behalf of, the Owner organisation. The competence to adopt the most appropriate contracting strategy, develop the most appropriate contracts, pick the right contractors, and manage the contracts to completion are key success factors in most projects. Contracting is a key activity of the “Define and Decide” and “Implement and Award” stages of a classic Stage Gate Process.

Over the years INDECO has developed a very structured approach in all aspects of the Contracting process and is regarded as an authority in the field. We have worked on: variants of BOOT, classic BOQ, variants of EPC with or without incentivisation, Alliancing arrangements, concession contracts and service level agreements. Our recommended strategy will depend on the nature of the project, the competence of the owner organisation, and the condition of the supplier market. We have successfully negotiated major contracts based on a highly competitive process, or on occasion, successfully concluded single source arrangements, when this was the most appropriate solution. We are experts in contract management and in the defence or prosecution of claims.